Jason Roesler

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1273 N. 15th St., Ste. 121

Laramie, WY 82072


HighPoint CPAs, LLC


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Jason Roesler is CPA practicing in the southeast Wyoming. Mr. Roesler's practice emphasis is in personal and business income taxation as well as providing advisory services to small businesses. Mr. Roesler is knowledgeable, personable and makes every effort to provide a meaningful level of service to his clients. Mr. Roesler received his formal education at the University of Wyoming and the DU Graduate Tax Program.

Fields of Practice

  • Advisory Services
  • Real Estate and Construction
  • Small Business
  • Estate and Gift Tax
  • Individual Income Tax

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What is a CPA?

To achieve a CPA designation, an individual usually must complete 5 years of education, and a certain degree of work experience. Additionally, once an individual becomes a CPA, they typically must complete a certain number of hours of continuing education each year.

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